From the BRC, Barry, Only a handful of Martin/Vega banjos made it down to Australia. vega banjo identification. Bill's Banjos This fascinating collection of vintage stringed instruments chronicles luthier C.F. 3, Serial #50232, with a patented brass top hoop and bracket band over a seven-lap sectional maple hoop, 28 brackets, mahogany neck with an ebony fingerboard with22 frets and inlaid pearloid dots and star position marks, carved heel, peghead with flowerpot inlay . It did not have a tone ring or simply a steel ring like the Wonder, to keep the cost down. I have a seperate label thats still in the case showing the serial # 1199. Data zakoczenia 2022-09-02 - cena 20,90 z Galaxy went bankrupt in a few years, and the Vega brand was purchased in 1989 by Deering in California who restored the instrument line to greatness. It turned out the owner had another banjo that also resembled a Vega but had the same lack of Vega ID, turns our the name "W Fawly" was on the wooden center dowel . TH, Tom- Thanks for your query. How much would it be worth? Eric- Thanks for your kind comments about the website and prompt photos. Your VW-5 would fetch $700-$1000 these days. It is not seen in the 1970 transitional Vega/Martin catalogue. In a 1971 price list, the FW-5 sold for $345. Published by at 30, 2022. Fantastic site with wonderful information. The Pro-5 does not appear in the 1976 Vega Martin catalogue. Whenever parts are sent overseas, it is unpredictable if instruments are constructed fastidiously with matching parts, and this may explain the difference in tone between your two VIP instruments. In the meantime, keep on pickin` that Pro-5. Martin initiated its own serial number system in early 1972 which ran sequentially from #2 through #1945. P.S. It is great to hear from someone who actually visited the Vega factory in Needham Heights, Massachusetts. It is indeed a sweet banjo with plenty of talk in it. - ORDERS OVER $199 SHIPPED TO THE CONTINENTAL U.S. Add to cart SKU: 2959 Categories: 5-String Openback Banjos, Banjos, Vega Description Additional information Reviews (1) Shipping, Returns & Exchanges About this Banjo On the neck, there usually should be a pencil written serial number at theheel where it meets the rim (at least all my Martins have one there). It`s a sweet long neck, and I wish I had one. What is it worth today, and what did it sell for when new? There are 13 stars on the banjo fretboard, and there should be a plaque on the back of the headstock. The Banjo Rehabilitation Center archives contain the serial numbers and dates of manufacture of the Vega-Martin banjos made in Nazareth, PA, during the 1970`s. The Item # was VT2NRC. Best wishes with your VIP and thanks again for your post, Barry. 2 Tu-Ba-Phone XL is seen in the 1976 catalogue. Of note, when the Professional 5-stringer was made in Boston in the early 1960`s, it had square MOP inlays with dots on the neck compared to the nicely designed inlays on your fretboard and seen in the 1966 catalogue. Martin began shipping parts overseas for assembly. I have found it helpful over the years. From the BRC, Barry. Your VW-5 model Vega Wonder banjo SN 721 was manufactured in Nazareth, PA, in late 1973 per Shop Order 2181. A previous owner had deeply scratched a Social Security number into its heel. Andreas- Thank you for the historical narrative on your banjo and the detailed photographs. Bob- Thank you for your kind words about my website, and I reply with compliments to your luthier shop with which I am familiar. The rhinestones on the flanges, tension bolts, and peghead differ from Peabodys prototype and the later Martin production Vox V models. Serial number 115831 on a yellow strip built in Boston Mass.Wondering when it might have been built? Hello and thank you so much for your hard work and dedication. vega banjo identification The tonering, bracket band, and notched tension hoop were all made of vibrant bell brass (Not die cast metal). Your banjo was built circa 1964, and the A pre-fix to the serial number means `adjustable truss rod`. Thank You There is no evidence that Vega actually made banjos prior to buying out Fairbanks. Thank you so much!! Thanks, I have really enjoyed reading the material on this site.RowdyArizona, Rowdy- Thanks for your kind words about the website. I have a Vega Martin five string that my father special ordered around 76-77 Supposedly it was #10 of 10. I was lucky enough to buy one but, as my music and and the type of music I had to play to get work changed, I hardly played this, near mint condition, banjo. Im now forced to sell several beloved instruments but have no idea how to price this gem. The Vega era PS-5 banjos sell for up to $3-4K these days. Thanks for letting us see this fascinating and unique instrument. It retailed for $775 and was probably assembled from parts left over from Nazareth, PA. In the 1971 price list, it retailed at $545 without case. The Eddie Peabody Model was actually made by Vega of Boston from 1966-ca. Wim, (Ed.- Note the classic Tubaphone tone ring. Deering rescued the Vega line by purchasing the brand name in 1989. The first two digits tell you the month the banjo was built, the last two digits before the dash or space will tell you the year, and the numbers in between are considered the number of that model we have made since we started the formal serial number system in 1987. ). Martin built only 101 PS-5 long necks. I am assuming someone may have penciled in an extra 1 on yours, but my best guess is that it was made sometime in the last half of 1963 (A12130 was the first banjo produced in Jan 64). In general, the Boston made Pete Seeger long neck banjos seem to command a greater collectors` interest than the ones manufactured in Pennsylvania. Theres precious little information about these instruments online. The earliest reported is F&C #1000. Thanks you for this great site. Im curious to know if it is possible to learn whether this banjo came from the factory with a resonator or was originally sold as an open back. Your peghead and resonator are clearly marked with C.F. Thanks from the BRC, Barry, Hi Barry! Your banjo neck is from a Martin Tu-Ba-Phone 5-string banjoas advertised in a Martin flyer circa 1978, and the potalso looks like a left-over rim inherited from theNazareth, PA, company. safety tips; prohibited items; product recalls; Vega Pete Seeger Model Longneck 5 String Banjo (1961) Been used in the studio and loaned to a friend about 30 years ago while he his banjo was being repaired. Thank you. The story he told was that it was a distress sale for a friend, and that the banjo was one of 1000 limited editions and had a solid silver tone ring, and was worth at least twice the price. I have two theories about your instrument. Martin purchased the Vega brand and briefly marketed the so-called Bobby Joe Fenster banjo which was a thinly disguised Pro-5 endorsed by a fictitious banjoist as a somewhat mirthful marketing ploy. aluminum variety, one slim one large, with the larger one closer to the head. From the BRC site this banjo was made circa 1975-1976 in and around Nazareth PA. Do I have the have the provenance correct? wyoming seminary athletic scholarship; Tags . Fairbanks and Vega banjo numbers are consecutive, and have no DIRECT relationship to the model, or production date. Im trying to decide wether to keep it as a memento, keep it and take some lessons, or possibly sell it because its a shame to have it sit in storage. Yes, the VVI banjos have the same inlay pattern as the VM Pro (Professional) 5 string model. CL. Buy VEGA Banjos and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Recently purchased a Vega Vox iv plectrum banjo. Martin decal on the back of your peghead and on the inner rim. The serial numbers for the overseas-produced instruments were in the 2000+ range in sequence with the last official VM banjo manufactured in Nazareth, PA, which bore #1969. Your banjo SN 990 is indeed a Pro-5, and it was one of the last five Professional banjos built by VM in 1974 per Shop Order 2211. The peg head engraving and paint motif matched the resonator. This model appears in the 1972 and 1976 catalogues. Do you have any additional information you could share regarding this instrument? my Martin/Vega PS5 #481 is about a month into my possession. The flanges, tension hoop, tailpiece and extended armrest are deeply and elaborately engraved, and were originally finished in a special hardened 24K gold electroplate. Although a Bluegrass resonator banjo musician, my daily practice exercises are conducted sans picks on one of two long neck Ode 5-stringers that are wife-friendly in tone. Of note, the PS-5 had the `famous Vega Tube-a-phone tone ring rim`, a 3 piece ebony fingerboard, pearl dots, a neck-tension rod, nickel-plated rim parts, a shaded mahogany neck, and a 10 ply maple rim. My Vega F-VIP #1456 got chosen from the 72 catalogue in spring of 76 in a music shop in Stuttgart / Germany, and was delivered only about ten weeks later. Be safe, be well, keep on picking. 96.90 postage. It is important to note that there are exceptions to every rule and the following is only a general guide for identifying Gibson "A" Style mandolins. vega banjo identification. The Vega serial number files still available do not specify the specific models of banjo manufactured in Massachusetts. P.S. I have 5 different stringed instruments that just keep finding me, and I was nervous to take it apart so I could look at the serial number. 219203099161mmDA107 , . The fascinatingwooden pie (sectioned) resonator is probably inherited from the Boston era Vega inventory. Banjos were simply stamped 'The Vega Company' From 1913, the firm started using style designations instead of names: * The banjorine (or banjeaurine) was a 5 string banjo, but with a shorter neck like a banjolin It would have been around this time that Tenor Banjos first appeared, as the Tango craze hit America between 1910 and 1914. Wow, I glad to find your website! from BRC: Wim- Thanks for the great photo of your busy workshop. Having read the posts above I see that this is most likely not the case! While the Martin factory in Nazareth, PA, retooled to build banjos, interim yellow stickers were affixed to the inner rims of Boston banjos citing the merger and identifying the model of the instrument (which was inscribed by pen). Im hoping I can find a V41 pot. It has no rod in the drum. There were several old tenor and plectrum Martin neck blanksfor sale a few years ago, but it looks to be factory made condition anddoubt that would be likely a source. Fender Standard Banjo Hardshell Case Black chuya 26" Scale Length Serial: #21601 Condition: Excellent Case: gig bag Price: $Reduced Price $1395.00 Read More Gatcomb | Lansing Model #325 Index: 10566 Maker: Gatcomb Year: 1890's Notes: These data were generously provided to the BRC founder in 2000 by the family owned Martin Guitar department of history. Your banjo is an off shoot of the classic No. Roger- Thanks much for your query. Thanks for sharing your fascinating banjo with the BRC, Barry. Unless refinished, the decal on the back alsomakes it post-1972. If it has a wooden pot resonator, remove it and check the inner rim for identifiers. In my files, the PS-5 is seen in a Vega (Boston) flyer in 1961 where it lists for $309. If your Vegaphones and Tubaphone have serial numbers, you can more closely date them by visiting Whitetreeaz banjo serial numbers online. Of course she did a beautiful job with it including turning its blond color into a brunette! For reference, the name of the original owner with serial number should be in the Martin Archives. My guess is that most of the left-over parts from near your home in Massachusettes were used up over the next ensuing 7 years of production, but there is an outside chance that a few spare parts like an occasional tonering survived and were transferred to Galaxy when it purchased Vega in 1979. This Vox uses brass (rather than the late model Vega/Martin aluminum) hex nut shoes for the tension bolts, and thinner dual brass coordinator rods (again, instead of aluminum). Deering purchased the Vega franchise in1989 restoring the line to greatness. To unravel most of the curious mystery of the legendary Bobby Joe Fenster, please scroll back to the Sept. 12, 2014 homepage posting devoted to this interesting figure from the annals of Vega Martin banjo history, or just enter fenster in the search engine on the home page. The banjo shown here (serial number M130316) was the second Ultra Vox V built in 1971, shortly after C.F. A sticker inside says The Vega Co. Boston 15, MASS, Patended USA The serial number is A-125394. Im just getting back into my love of music. Again, thanks for your post. Neck and rim look a lot like made by Martin craftsmen, and it arrived set up perfectly. The inside of the banjo is also blank except for the painted serial number 2207. very carefully, I did and its four digits # 1450. it looks very good to me as far as the condition, its just old and kind of dirty. Martin built 561 VW-5 banjos in the 1970`s.You can learn more about this VM instrument by browsing my website for the postings on 6-19-21 and 1-16-21, or just enter the word `wonder` in the search engine. It sounds like your banjo is maybe a hybrid made overseas after 1976-1977 when Vega Martin parts were shipped to Japan and later Canada for assembly. Services; vega banjo identification If you need photos I can take a few and send them to you on a subsequent time. It is a Vega Martin model VW-5 called a Vega Wonder and sometimes referred to as the Wonder-5. Martin Vega Banjo Strings Features: Tin-plated steel core is responsive, lively, and resilient Nickel alloy wrap wire is consistently smooth and tonally flexible for a variety of playing styles Medium gauge for full-bodied tone and strong midrange response Tech Specs Number of Strings: 5 String Material: Steel Winding Material: Nickel Alloy
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