And, your food, of course. Very happy with this hunt! Thank you for the trip of a lifetime! 6 4 comments Hunt Nation has had a relationship with these ranchers for many years. We swapped a Texas guided aoudad sheep hunt to this outfitter in exchange for the upgrades on our stags. I must say, you went above and beyond. Prices start at or below $1500 . We are looking forward to another season, another year. His staff all seemed to be best of friends and worked together like a well-oiled machine, making the trip a joy. The hospitality was a highlight and I now consider us friends. Deposit Information All hunts require . This spring we have to plant about 400 acres on the Chapman Ranch into alfalfa and grass for hay. I never hunted such rich grounds. PAGE 2 OF 5 WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE Memorandum LSO THLEGAL 200 W. 24 STREET CHEYENNE, WYOMING 82002 TELEPHONE (307)777-7881 FAX (307)777-5466 WEB SITE WWW.WYOLEG.GOV General Criminal Trespass To be guilty of criminal trespass, a person must enter or remain on the private property of another either: (1) knowing he is not authorized to do so; or (2) after being notified to Shooting is easier and more accurate with bi-pods or a set of shooting sticks. ), do it yourself hunter. I may never get to go back to Africa------getting old just ain't for sissies----but if I do get to go, it will most likely be with them again for their great plains game. Super food. So far, we have small amount of snowcover, but, not what we actually need. So, our "farmer" hopes were crushed again, but, almost immediately, I overheard myself sigh in an undertone: "Hopefully next year it will be better".. The rut is late September and most of October. I am writing to let you know that I had the time of my life with Francois, Reino, Matthew, Saar and the entire family and his staff.. From start to finish (and what a finish it was), the entire experience was exactly what I needed at exactly the right time for me. wyosteve WKR Joined Jul 1, 2014 Messages 1,629 I don't know as of 2020, but in the early 2000's, trespass fees were in the $750 to $1000 range. Several thousand again. We have had fully booked seasons and offered the ultimate experience, and we have had repeat customers who flocked the ranch year after year and have been very satisfied. Hunting Trespass and Voucher Fee: $1500 Late Season (Doe only) Hunting Trespass Fee: $500 (Youth vouchers are also available age 12-17 years) Download Waiver Form DOWNLOAD NOW > Download Hunter Guidelines DOWNLOAD NOW > A young man's first buck. There are a few other ways to access private land for hunting in Wyoming in the form of Wildlife Habitat Management Areas (WHMA) and the Hunter/Landowner Assistance Program. It started early, in the midst of a cold but snowless winter, only to be followed by a Spring that brought no wildflowers, no grass, but worst yet, NO crops of any kind. BOX 1304Craig, CO 81626-1304United It is best to make this draw deadline but at times there are left over licenses for this area after the draw is over. If you do not draw, the license money is refunded (minus a $15 application fee). People hunting deer would provide information to elk hunters about elk they had seen and vise versa. MANDATORY! I still want a Sable, as well as their Reedbuck, Bushbuck and Hartebeest. Feb 24, 2020 #3 wytx WKR Joined Feb 2, 2017 Messages 1,721 Location Wyoming See if the county has a GIS web page that has a map and shows landowners names. How nice. We are harvesting older, bigger bucks. My hope for this new year is that the drought will be a thing of the past. I will be booking again to hunt the same area. Trophy care: good. We had a good hunt, but because the weather was moving in we got it done quickly. Namibia is like a box of chocolates, you never know what youre going to get next !!! I was pleased and blessed to find all of you. We feel a true trophy hunter should really benefit from the 2 extra days! I just happened to see the "5 year Big game season Structure" that the Colorado Wildlife Commission approved on September 10, 2009 and I am very excited. I am touching base with you on our recent Namibia experience. Each square represents one square mile. So trophy goats will be here you just have to be patient, be selective, and hunt hard for them. For instance, Cowboy Country Outfitters may never be the largest outfitter or even have the most private land to hunt on. I will definitely be trying to draw that tag again every year! By now, they are tired of running, tired of hunters and those who survived may be wondering why? The fee is $12.50 and the stamp will be available from 88 Ranch Outfitters when you arrive at camp. In 2022 it required 5+ antelope preference points to draw a Special License and 6+ points for a Regular License in this Unit. I was fortunate to be able to spend a woderful week with my Dad and my cousin and that, I will remember always!! With the Special, you may draw at 3 or 4 points or even fewer. Butch it was wonderful!! Nobody asked me, but, I think that these guys are spolied for life. Now we get to the two license system. I am looking forward to seeing you next year. I could go on for hours, but suffice to say, I took 10 animals; my buddy Chris took 8; and we would not change one single thing! Lodging was outstanding in space, cleanliness, service, views, etc. Excellent fishing. Truly a trip of a lifetime for a father and son. I would like to encourage all those that would consider a cow hunt to apply for December and come and enjoy this beautiful country, this fabulous ranch, when there are no other hunters around. Bill J. said of this operation: "You should send every one of your African clients to this superb operation. We are looking forward to returning again. The ladies had a ball. Including Elk, Deer, Antelope, Black Bear, Mountain Lion, Prairie dog & Moose. The state provides public hunting access to private property through their Walk-In-Only and Hunter Management Areas programs. The most outstanding kill was the buck antelope taken by Tim Keating, on his birthday. Needless to say, he was very excited as were we. They want to ranch and not deal with hunting and booking questions. I wish you good luck for the rest of the 2011 hunting seasons. I never hunted such rich grounds. . I was done hunting in 1 1/2 days. Now realize that on 90 square miles, the small number of hunters is relatively no pressure. Area 7 is a special draw for elk and antelope, and a general draw for deer. Did you know that COLORADO has the largest ELK herd in the world? I saw hundreds of deer including 3 bucks on the Cummings place that would score 180 or better and several others that would score over 150. Both of these hunts are fully guided 5 day hunts with lodging and meals provided, field care of your trophy, and transportation in the field. . We have approximately 11,000 acres that are divided into private ranches to provide you with the opportunity to hunt exclusively with your group. We are a family owned business that strive to provide our customers with a quality hunting experience. My wife and I took our grandson Luke, on his first ever hunt for a Pronghorn on the "Y Lazy S" and the experience was excellent. Pat and I had a great time. For an economical, action-filled hunt, this is a great deal. We are also looking forward to see again old friends and meet some new ones. I've never seen so many trophy animals in all of my hunts combined. Non-Resident Full Price/Regular with Preference Point $372; without Preference Point $341. Any agreement regarding access and/or trespass fees for hunting are strictly between the landowner and the hunter, with no guarantee of any kind implied. Hunting has become the lifeblood of the local landowners After the disastrous agricultural experience of the 70's and the 80's, many ranchers and farmers saw an opportunity to supplement their income by offering a premier hunting experience to those that seek the excitement of the hunt. They, by instict alone, know that the hunting seasons are all over with; and they know where the feed is. The Russians were extremely accommodating. It is, for sure, one of my favourite places to hunt at. But, since the construction of numerous top quality log cabins now we are ready to offer you top quality accommodations in our cozy, heated log cabins, offering you a hunting experience like none else. Please click on the button below and enter your information and deposit amount. A Youth license is available for kids 12 to 18 years of age for $125. * Hunt Area and Dates: Antelope hunt area 28 & 29, archery dates are from the middle of August to September 30, and rifle dates are the last week in August until the middle . Of course, there is no hurry to rush anywhere. And, look forward to another gret hunting season next year and hanging out with you guys again. Dan P. Tom Wilson wrote the following: The best part of hunting the "Y Lazy S Ranch" is meeting the landowner, Aleka.the abundant game is secondary. Several in our group had little or no fly fishing experience but guides taught them enough for them to score on bones and hook them on the sport. We are located within the natural migration route. THANK YOU! Dan and I had a wonderful stay at your ranch. Wagonhound Outfitters encourages you to join us on one of our guided antelope hunts in picturesque Wyoming. I also saw a small handful of elk at both the Cummings and the Mobley place. Additionally there is the opportunity to hunt bear, turkey and wolves. We have two hunters in our group this year that have never taken a deer. Hope to see you next year! Butch, This can help or hurt, so do be aware of it. Of course,on the, ", email: . After the 4th day I pretty much have the whole ranch to myself. Of course, there is no hurry to rush anywhere. The Cobb Ranch Hunting LLC offers 5 -5 day unguided hunts for deer/cow elk/and bull elk on a first-come first-served basis for booking. Success is 100%, assuming straight shooting. So here we are, another new year, but, this time we have to endure the new changes made by the Colorado Division of wildlife. Guided Archery Elk Hunts Wyoming. Aug 8, 2018 Of course, there is nothing that can affect the growth of the numbers of mule deer and pronghorn antelope. You cannot use ATVs (ranch prohibits them), just a truck or even an SUV vehicle to drive around on the ranchs dirt roads. WE MUST HAVE FINAL PAYMENT BEFORE WE WILL SEND YOU THE PERMISSION SLIPS, OTHER INFORMATION, AND MAPS OF THE RANCH. I wish the storm would have been stronger which would have more than likely moved the elk into the area where Glenn and I were hunting. Additionally, small chunks of state and federal lands are often ignored by many eastern Wyoming hunters, which is a mistake. The food was incredible and everything that we had to eat was wonderful. He harvested a beautiful buck and a great bull. Would recommend to a friend. If anybody considers a fun hunt, with almost guarranteed success, I would highly recommend hunting this season. The state provides public hunting access to private property through their Walk-In-Only and Hunter Management Areas programs. Wyoming Game & Fish Department, License Section 5400 Bishop Blvd. THE CHAPMAN CABIN OR THE UPSTAIRS OF THE RANCH HOUSE) for a maximum of five, six or nine nights (depending on the season), . If funds were no object, I would return to them every year. My guide for my hunt was outstanding. We have been guiding archery hunters since 1984. Our ranch is located 40 miles south of Gillette, Wyoming just south of Wright, Wyoming. Your hospitality and your land provided us with what we have been looking to find for years. For those newly interested ones who want to partake of this ultimate experience, we have the "Contact Us" page, where you can request further information about making your reservations early, so that you can be assured of a spot. Our hope is that we draw your area again, so we can return. They answered all my questions prior to the hunt----there were no surprises! Our guide was exceptional and very knowledgeable. I told everyone I want to come back! Howard C. I had a 50 BARRACUDA make my 10 weight fly reel sound like it was screeching in mortal agony! L/O Vouchers Avail. Most of our antelope hunts take place on private leases. Our clients have proven that several hundred times! We didn't put up enough crop to matter. Just a couple of days ago, I was finally able to get the 2015 dates from the Colorado D, Dan Fisher from PA wrote: "..can't tell you what a wonderful time I had with my son on your ranch. I'll shoot you back your CRITIQUE form and a more detailed letter as soon as I catch a breather here. We have approximately 11,000 acres that is divided into private ranches to provide you the opportunity to hunt exclusively with your group. A laser range finder is also highly recommended. Due to the location, price, and success level there is a lot of demand. They simultaneously shot their two bulls from inside the hunting stand at the Cummings Place. If it rains (not likely), these unpaved roads can get quite slippery. We are located within the natural migration route. The accommodations were excellent and the new addition of flat screen TVs in all the cabins were very much appreciated. In fact, Chuck was determined to get a real nice big buck, and held off until it was time to leave. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR APPLYING! There is not a single thing out of place, it is a place you could take your spouse and they would just love hanging around the property. On this 6,500 acre privately owned ranch, with all the available feed for wildlife and as a direct result of our continuing efforts to improve wildlife habitat, there are abundant numbers of deer, elk, antelope and of course, eagles, hawks, owls, coyotes, fox etc. The time we spent in the field was wonderful and we look forward to returning for many years. Beautiful day for a hike on the "Y Lazy S Ranch", for this hunter from Oregon. In order to hunt, you need some good binoculars, a flat-shooting rifle (minimum of .243 class and up), some leather gloves for crawling, and some thick pants or knee pads that help ward off the abundant cactus. Best regards, Marilyn. With over 55,000 acres to hunt, which is close to 90 square miles, hunts are limited to one or two parties at a time, with a maximum of four to six hunters at any time; and often there are only 2 hunters. I especially liked the way you fostered a sense of co-operation among all the hunters. We offer rifle and trespass fee hunts on private land. I was then taken to my main camp and met Sara and my PH, LJ Marisi. It has been very hard and sometimes, impossible to live here and unbearably difficult to carry on. Gillette, WY. They delivered everything they said they could and more. Antelope season was once again really great. Ya gotta love Wyoming for speed goats! Contact Dakota Hunting Trips for license, season and hunt availability. The large number of good sized deer and the amount of property you have, makes the "Y Lazy S Ranch" the premier hunting location in the Craig area. The elk hunters had to work a little harder; we got several cows and a couple of bulls. All Right Reserved. With more than 300,000 acres of private ranchland, we offer hunters game-rich country, years of experience, and the best guides in the business! Thank you, again.". Fortunately, I did have an ELK tag. That was the right call, as the bull I killed moved into the area during the night. It is a comfortable camp, good food, and professional guides. Some shots will be in the 200 to 350 yard range, so practice out to at least 200 yards, but some animals are shot within 100 yards of the vehicle. Wyoming has a two-stage, two license draw system. Hes 13 inches and 9 inch bases. With rifle in hand and knife on his side, he blends in with the mountains, as he leans into a giant evergreen or as he sets on a massive green brown moss covered boulder. I guess they are a whole lot smarter than me, because, whatever they have been doing and however they are managing the dispensing of licenses, is indeed working out. . One shot and done. Archery elk hunts take place September 1st thru the 30th from a wall tent camp on the Bighorn National Forest that you can drive to. BOOKING FOR 2016 SEASON COLORADO SELF GUIDED ELK & DEER HUNTING, COLORADO ELK HUNTING, COLORADO PRIVATE RANCH ELK HUNTING IN UNITS 3,15,16,18,23,24,25,26,42,65,70,78,214,301 Colorado Private ranch Elk Hunting. And Wyoming is tough on trespassers. BUT YOU SHOULD BE APPLYING FOR POINTS, AND EVERYONE NEEDS THEM! Those hunters find themselves highly frustrated and unsuccessful, only because CO DOW refuses to keep the game moving. In one of the busiest hunting areas in Wyoming, on Oct. 1, the busiest day of the year, Kirsch is the only game warden tasked with ensuring more than 3,100 antelope hunters and hundreds of deer . Once you draw your tag, your balance is immediately due and payable to Hunt Nation, and we then begin to allocate specific hunt dates on a first-served basis based on when we receive the balance of the hunt cost. For Wyoming's most up to date license fees, visit: All three took excellent care of me every day. We all took our stags, boars, tahr. I cant recommend them enough. ************. Thats a really good feeling when on a hunt. If you do not wish to buy the Special license, you will need to acquire even more preference points to draw perhaps 4 or 5 points. much closer than their westward wintering grounds. But, since the construction of numerous top quality log cabins now we are ready to offer you top quality accommodations in our cozy, heated log cabins, offering you a hunting experience like none else. The food was easily 5-star every meal. Just wanted to wish you and Monte a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2019. Our mule deer and the pronghorn antelope hunting is as good as ever, and the herds are getting bigger, healthier and higher quality animals for both species are getting to be more common. Cell: 307-358-3607. I had an incredible time hunting on your ranch; the quality of game I saw and the beauty and peace and quiet I experienced was as good as it gets. The Ranch offers elk, deer, and pronghorn. Not a single surprise in the whole trip. The guy that should get a medal for effort, though, is Vince from Wisconsin. "2115 County Road 3P. Because of the very unique arrangement we have in managing the hunting on this great ranch, and with so few hunters, we have decided to also add on 5-day hunt, in addition to the 3-day hunt. There were no April showers, no summer rains and amazingly enough, the trees never leafed out. In conclusion this place is just a real special place, what makes it special is the people, the attention to detail, the love of what they do, AWESOME!! 2022 Trespass Hunt Fees. Also, I am so pleased to know that all our hard work and the big investment of the Cabins construction is paying off. So 3 hunters, for example, with 8 points in total (4 points, 3 points, 1 point) would jointly have 8 points in the draw, meaning each hunter has 2.66 points. It snowed for two or three days. But, once again, we got some great Mule Deer Bucks, and several nice antelope bucks. Non-Resident Special with Preference Point $660; without Preference Point $629, Non-Resident Full Price/Regular with Preference Point $372; without Preference Point $341, You guys are top notch, good honest people to deal with, Mailing: 3020 Bear Bay Road, Myakka City, FL 34251. A lazy herd of elk enjoying the winter day directly behind the ranch house, on the "Y Lazy S Ranch". If you choose, you may combine with the deer, making this an excellent combination hunt. P.S. The State will also refund your license fee, less the $30 for the preference point, if you made that selection. Our hope is that we draw your area again, so that we can return. There is a Ranch house on the adjoining property that is some times available, to stay in, at an additional cost. Over the years, our hunters have had very good success on trophy-quality antelope. The quality and quantities of the animals was impressive with good representations of all species listed as available. The guides were very friendly, as was the whole staff. "Y Lazy S Ranch Llc. I passed up so many big pronghorn I began to wonder if I should have shot 1 or tried to find a bigger 1. Whether it snows or not. Truly a trip of a lifetime for a father and son. The accommodations were excellent with the cabins being in great condition and super clean. We had a few gentle rains in May and June, but, without the deep moisture, the plants in our hay fields remained stunted and failed to grow enough for us to be able tp put up a respectable crop of hay. Antelope, Deer & Elk Hunts! So, simply, any one species, four nights lodging and hunting, any two species, the length of the season. Little things made us feel that we were with family. It will be remembered for many decades as the "worst drought the people of this County have ever seen". The hunting was a little tougher this year than in years past; I think this was due to the fact that there was good food and water everywhere. It's been very difficult getting this far along, but, hey, we're tough folks. "Losers visualize the penalties of failure, Winners can ONLY see the rewards of success"., I don't expect this project to be completed by next fall whenall my friends, the hunters, will be here, but, beginning with the 2012 year, we should be able to also serve meals on the premises and provide everybody with the ultimate HUNTING experience. Since the late 1960's, we chose not to advertise; not to seek the business of hunters for only one season. Great guys; worked hard to put us on game. One group of rookies had the trip of lifetime catching a permit apiece and probably 10 or more bones each in their 3 days of fishing. : $285 Money-Saver Tip: Store meat in a cooler with dry ice and process it yourself when you get home. BOOK A TRIP NOW! Had a great hunt. The archery antelope hunts have averaged over 85% kill on buck antelope for over 20 years. Thank you very much for letting me hunt and stay on your land.". It was my best hunt in Africa to date. So, everybody, make sure you log on to their website and follow instructions for new registration and new new ways of applying for your licenses. Crazy Woman Outfitters, Buffalo, Wyoming - Great Wyoming elk, deer and antelope hunting. Montana Prairie Dogs Nevada Hunting! Our log cabins are fully furnished, and they include full baths with cold/hot running water, kitchens that are equipped with appliances and kitchenware for your use and enjoyment. ", "I wanted to "THANK YOU" for a wonderful hunt during the 2011 4th season. We gutted the whole thing, pulled new electrical wiring, redid the plumbing system, the kitchen is new from bottom up, and even offers a dishwasher for our spoiled guests. So, my message to the hunters who love to hunt on my ranch, is: Craig, Colorado is still "the Elk hunting capital of the world". I shot my pronghorn a couple of hours after my grandson, who was quick to point out the size difference! . This was the best hunting trip I have ever been on. Just thought Id send a quick e-mail to let you know I had a great hunt last week. Congratulations Robert, wonderful trophy Desert Sheep on Mexico Hunt #280 Buffet An alternative dinner option is a hot and cold Dear Butch, I am writing to let you know that I had the time of my life with Francois, Reino, Hi Brian, this is Tony H., Mark & I booked a Red Stag hunt with you in Argentina. What a year 2012 was!!! Deer and turkey hunting in the Wyoming Black Hills for a trespass fee. We had some good laughs with the wonderful company of many, included the hunters from down under. UPON COMPLETION OF THE HUNT YOU ARE REQUIRED TO RETURN TO US THE LANDOWNER COUPONS THAT ARE ISSUED AS PART OF YOUR LICENSE. Licensing: Idaho Department of Fish and Game Hunt #3: Nebraska Whitetails Less than five minutes later, he had his buck. Have attached a couple of photos. Dinners were superb, the bar was excellent (watch out for their rum punch!). Once again, we found ourselves staying really busy by moving all the power equipment to the many different ranches, wasting many man-hours and much fuel, only to then decide that we would have been much better not having moved there at all. We enjoyed very much the new friends and customers we were blessed to meet. Also, the LOG cabins are now a place to relax and watch your favorite TV program, since there are BIG, flat screen TVs hooked to. Second and third rifle Deer and Elk combined seasons, brought us many new hunters, many new friends. and were ready to roll out when I convinced him to go for another drive. I took two wonderful bears, both with exceptional hides. ******************. Truth is, this is where we personally like to chase antelope. There is so much game that it is unbelievable to even imagine that there would be so many animals here. The buff, banteng, sambar and rusa are great trophies, especially with muzzle-loader. No doupt we will continue to work hard to improve the wildlife habitat, so that this will always continue to be the prime secret spot of those, who for so many years continue to return and enjoy this magnificent part of the world. All the best and hoping to draw the right tags so we can come back next year. Here are some: Tom Shepard from California wrote: "Dear Aleka, I wanted to take time to "Thank" you and your staff for a great hunting experience! I highly recommend this hunt for anyone. Hunting elk that time of year can be very difficult, if the weather does not co-operate. Click the link below to get started. Our operation is set up for prime antelope habitat, with various terrain and several antelope . for wyoming hunt info contact rob (901) 338-5879. We also have hunter's who are looking to share seasons and have left specific information with us if you are interested please ask. I really enjoyed meeting everyone. So, at least the pain of realizing how quickly I am getting real old, is eased up with this grand display of pyrotechnics. Please, call us for information regarding: availability on hunting spots, hunting fees, accommodations and full care while hunting on the, Aleka's cellphone, email:
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